Purging Compound High Cleanability Type – Free samples of plastic purging compounds for injection molding machines are available for improving black dot defects.


POM and Molding Defects

What is POM?

Polyacetal (POM) resin is a highly crystalline resin with excellent fatigue resistance. It is a material used in a wide range of products, notable for its low coefficient of friction and self-lubricating properties, making it particularly outstanding in friction resistance.

POM is suitable for long-term use in products because it possesses fatigue resistance, allowing it to withstand damage from repeated long-term operations. On the other hand, with an oxidation index of 15, it is a highly flammable material among plastics (flammable = prone to carbonization due to thermal degradation during molding). Many sites report issues with black dot defects in POM.

Black Dot Defect Issue in POM (Polyacetal)

As a solution case, we will introduce an example utilizing purge agent ecomaru.

[Case Study]




Customer Evaluation

After starting to use ecomaru, the foreign matter defect rate decreased from 5% to 0.2%, improving the yield, which has led to a high level of satisfaction.

Purging Compound NameUsage AmountDouble Wash: Yes/NoIf Double Wash
Purging Compound Name
Black Dot Defect Rate
Company A 3-5%
Purging Compound NameUsage AmountDouble Wash: Yes/NoIf Double Wash
Purging Compound Name
Black Dot Defect Rate
ecomaruGWS 0.20%
In this way, we have received numerous reports of cases where problems were resolved using purge agent ecomaru.

POM (Polyacetal) Characteristics




ManufacturerProduct name
Asahi Kasei Chemicals CorporationTenac
Intertech CorporationECOTAL
DuPont Co., Ltd.Delrin
Toray International, Inc.Kocetal
BASF Japan Ltd.Ultraform
Polyplastics Co., Ltd.DURACON
Mitsubishi Engineering-Plastics CorporationIupital

Main applications

Often used as a substitute for metal parts.

[Sliding properties, wear resistance, fatigue resistance, high strength]

Gears, bearings, bushings, cams, switches, pulleys, etc.

[High mechanical strength]

Door handles, piping fitting parts, etc.

[Solvent resistance]

Oil tank parts, aerosol valves, etc.


Various parts of general machinery, fasteners, building materials such as door rollers, etc.

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